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Cie les Invendus
mouvements jonglés
Ancre 1
Ancre 2
accroche-toi si tu peux (Hang in there if you can)
From and by: Nicolas Paumier and Guillaume Cachera
Outside looks: Johan Swartvagher, Guillaume Martinet, Maximes Sales
Sound creation: Francois Colleaux
Lighting director: Cristobal Rossier
It is a journey of juggling movements, physically engaged, where loneliness mingles with the unleashing and complicity with the absurd. They support each other, accompany each other, get lost, fall ... Always together. The game is cultivated, it maintains the relationship. Bullets are mediators of their exchanges. They temporize, animate, bind and enveniment.
Creation released on April 2017
More information by downloading the artistic file.
45 min
Inside and outside
For everybody
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